lymeLyme disease, just the name alone is enough to give veterinarians a headache. It is a complicated combination of exposure, infection, clinical signs, prevention and treatment. All of this is wrapped up in multiple controversies: is my animal at risk? Should we vaccinate? Should we test on a regular basis? What should be done once an animal tests positive? This article is going to try and sort out these questions and give some advice. But always remember whether it is Lyme or any other disease process the best place to discuss information, testing and treatment options is going to be with your veterinarian.

The critters that cause this and how they pass it on.

The problem starts with the Ixodes species of tick (specifically the Ixodes scapularis, or deer tick, in the eastern United States). These critters carry the bacteria that cause Lyme: specifically a gram negative spirochete called Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb). This infectious agent multiplies within the tick and will enter the animal at the end of the tick’s feeding cycle (approximately 48-72 hours after attachment). The agent then replicates in the skin at the tick bite site followed by migration through the tissue. Lyme disease is endemic to the northeastern United States (Massachusetts to Maryland), north central states and northern California.

Lyme does not begin to show signs in a dog for weeks to months following infection. The most common signs are fever, lack of appetite and joint pain. The most serious possible consequence of infection with Lyme disease is glomerular disease leading to renal failure (more on this later).

Stop it before it starts.

There are two main parts to prevention of Lyme disease: vaccination and tick prevention. Let’s tackle the second first. If you live in an endemic area (and, let’s face it, even if you don’t) it is VERY important that your dog have good tick prevention. There are many different medications/medicated products out there including Frontline, Revolution, Advantix and the Preventic collar. You may live in an area where there is resistance to one, or more, of these products. Discuss this with your veterinarian, make the best choice for your pet and make sure you are applying the chosen product correctly.

Now for vaccination. If you live in an endemic area then vaccination for Lyme disease is a good idea. It is a course of 2 vaccines given 3-4 weeks apart and then an annual booster. It is important to note at this point that according to most studies only approximately 5% of all dogs infected will actually show signs of disease. Also approximately 1-2% of vaccinated dogs will still get the disease (nothing is 100% effective). The take home message about prevention is this: Good tick prevention will help more than vaccination when it comes to keeping your dog from being exposed.

The test you don’t want to pass.

Before talking about testing I want to take a moment to discuss how the body reacts to infection. When the body is attacked it forms antibodies in response to the part of the bacteria (or other attacker) known as the antigen. This is also how vaccines work; they stimulate the body’s immune system to produce antibodies to a specific disease. If the body becomes exposed to the disease again it will recognize, and fight it off, faster. All tests for Lyme disease test for the antibody and not the antigen. This becomes important soon.

The most common test performed by small animal veterinarians is either the Snap-3 or Snap-4 test by Idexx laboratories. These two tests also test for heartworm disease, Lyme disease and other tick borne diseases. Many vets use these combination tests as a screening tool. Both are C6 tests that are sensitive too, and specific for, antibodies that have been formed due to natural exposure to Bb. C6 is a peptide (a unique area of one of the surface antigens of Bb). This peptide remains constant and always detectable in a body infected by Bb. Dogs exposed to Bb will test C6 positive within 3-5 weeks and can stay positive for years. Vaccines, however, do not contain this particular peptide. In other words, these tests will not come up positive for Bb in vaccinated animals.

So what’s the problem (or why all the controversy surrounding Lyme tests)? It lies in the fact that there is no proven correlation to testing positive and whether or not your dog will become symptomatic for Lyme disease. In fact-as stated above-approximately 90-95% of all dogs that test positive will not come down with the disease. In some endemic areas up to 70-90% of all healthy dogs will come up positive.   Which leads to the question of whether or not testing on a regular basis is necessary and the diagnosis of Lyme disease?

So my dog is positive, now what?

The big question to ask yourself (or your vet will ask) is whether or not your dog is showing symptoms for Lyme. Do they have a fever? Are they eating? Are they limping? How’s their energy level? If the answers to all of these are good and normal then your dog is what we call an asymptomatic positive. And now the can of worms opens. I’m going to lay out what I’ve found in my research for this article. BUT this is where that disclaimer at the top bears repeating. This is my opinion and, as with any disease, you need to consult with your veterinarian before deciding on any treatment course.

Onward. Let’s hit the easy one first, your animal is positive for Lyme and has symptoms. They should, and will, be treated by your veterinarian. First choice antibiotics are doxycycline or amoxicillin. Typically dogs are treated for a month, though no one knows how long it takes to truly clear a dog of the carrier state (be clear of the disease). There is a second C6 test (called a Quant C6) that tests for the same antibodies as the SNAP test but it quantifies the level of antibody present. There is some use in using this test in dogs receiving treatment as you can test before and after to see if antibody levels falling which may give you an idea of if the treatment is working (more on that later-see below).

And the murky, scarier part.

Less easy one. Asymptomatic animals. First question, is it worth doing the Quant C6 test in these animals? Well, maybe. There is no evidence that antibody levels as measured by this test correlates to whether or not the dog will become symptomatic and, if so, the severity of the disease. Is it worth treating asymptomatic animals with a course of doxycycline? Well, maybe. There are arguments for this, primarily of the “if we don’t treat will my animal get worse later?” variety-no one knows the answer.

Arguments against include: overuse of antibiotics can lead to resistance (and no one wants doxycycline resistant Lyme disease), doxycycline can lead to unwanted side effects (typically vomiting, diarrhea and lowering of appetite) and, finally, back to most of these dogs will not get sick. So what’s the answer……that, for me, leads to the most concerning of all the potential consequences of Lyme disease.

A small percentage of dogs that get Lyme disease may get Lyme nephritis. This is a kidney disease thought (right now) to be caused by antibody/antigen immune complex formation that are deposited in the kidneys and lead to acute renal failure. These dogs have, unfortunately, a universally grave prognosis. They go downhill and die very quickly even with aggressive treatment. How can you tell if this rare consequence will occur in your dog? you can’t. BUT it does help answer whether or not you should treat asymptomatic dogs.

Back to my dog is an asymptomatic positive now what? First have their urine tested for protein. This should involve both a full urinalysis and a test called a urine protein/creatinine ratio. If these are both normal then these tests should be repeated every 6 or so months to make sure there are no changes. If either test is abnormal then full blood work should be performed (to include a chemistry profile and complete blood count). It is also a good idea to talk to your vet about testing for possible co-infectious agents (Anaplasmosis, Bartonella to name 2) as there is a reasonable chance the renal disease could have been caused by another infectious agent. If there is protein in the urine then, in my opinion, yes do a course of antibiotics. If there is no urine protein, no clinical signs of Lyme disease, you live in an endemic area where there is no way to know how long your dog has been positive, well, like I said, murky. Talk to your vet. You’ll get information, you’ll get confused (welcome to the club) and you’ll make the best decision for you and your pet.

One last thing, do you vaccinate an already positive dog? Most experts say no. Why? Vaccines are to help prevent infection in the first place, they’re infected now. The proverbial horse has left the barn. There is no evidence that vaccinating a positive animal will either help clear the disease faster and/or help prevent them being infected again.

The final word on Lyme: it is murky, it is confusing and one thing I can tell you for sure is if you get 5 vets in a room to talk about Lyme, especially about treatment of asymptomatic positive dogs, you will get at least 11 opinions at ever increasing volume levels. This is not a bad thing; in fact I think it’s a good one. The more questions means there are more people out there looking for answers. And maybe one day we’ll have them-but not today. Best advice I’ve got is Prevention First, with good prevention hopefully you won’t have to deal with decisions on treatment. But if you do discuss it with a veterinary professional and make the decision the suits you best. Good Luck.

36 replies
  1. Carmela
    Carmela says:

    We recently lost our beautiful
    6 year old Winnie to Lyme nephritis
    She was stable for 1 year after being diagnosed. She was also asymptomatic for Lyme.
    We saw specialists,nutritionists in attempt to get the best treatment possible. Her life quality was very good until the last week of her illness. We never had a kidney biopsy so we really never knew if the kidney disease was related to lyme or genetics or something else.
    The first symptoms were revealed after winnie took carprofen for a knee injury . It was after that that a blood test revealed high protein levels. I often wonder if the kidney issues were from lyme,medication
    Or genetics.
    All pointed to lyme nephritis but some questions are still in our minds

      • Greg
        Greg says:

        Recently had the same thing happen to my 4.5 year old cattle dog as well. Diagnosed with Lyme and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Downhill fast after 7th day of doxycycline, saw many different specialists and vets. Would love to compare notes in hope for some answers. Very sorry for your loss.

    • Chris
      Chris says:

      I am going through this right now with my almost 7 year old standard poodle. Years ago she tested positive for lyme disease and was put on course of antibiotics. Never showed any symptons…until now…and Lyme Nephritis was mentioned by one of several vets working at our local animal hospital. Prognosis, as many of you know, is bad. She is getting fluids and doxycline but has not bounced back. I am now torn between putting my dear pet through a myriad of more tests and aggressive treatment when she has possibly a 20% chance of surviving an average of one year…or saying my goodbyes.

      • Tara
        Tara says:

        Hi Chris, my mini schnauzer Jack recently got diagnosed with lyme after finding him lethargic and surrounded by vomit and once we got him up, a severe limp. A few days later, we learned he lost 3/4 of his kidneys because the antibodies were attacking them. He went on doxycycline and had 2 days of dialysis but his levels did not improve and he would not eat. For 1 week, I could only get him to drink homemade chicken broth. The vet was ready to put him down but I held off a few days. One week after first getting really noticeably sick, he expressed interest in food. By that point, I had taken him off the doxy as he was going to die anyway and the meds made him vomit. I gave him a little hamburg but he threw up. Exactly 1 week from getting sick, I was able to feed him tiny amounts of cooked hamburg or boiled chicken at a time. That’s all he ate during week 2. I tried to feed him every hour or two throughout the day hoping to avoid starvation. We put him back on doxy but a slightly less amount because it made him sick. By week 3 I was looking at kidney diets and recommended supplements but information was contradictory and I lost faith in the leading recommended supplement provider and their cookbook. I created my own diet for Jack which focused on high quality protein and low phosphorus dog-friendly foods. It was a lot of work, time and research. I added one new ingredient at a time just in case he reacted poorly to anything or had an allergy. Our last blood work showed significant improvement in BUN, CREA, etc. But he was low on potassium chloride so we started on supplements from the pharmacy yesterday which we have to split of course to account for his needs. My dog now gets an all homemade diet (I miss kibble!) of boiled carrots, boiled broccoli, roasted pumpkin (Jack-o’-lanterns not sugar pumpkins), green tripe, couscous, parsley, 1 blueberry, salmon oil, eggshells for calcium, and a pinch of ginger to help with the stinky tripe smell, nausea and to ward against potential bloat. He gets this every meal. Yesterday, we added 1 cranberry. On weekends, I try to make something with egg yolks for myself. Then I reserve the yolks and add them to his meals for a few days. He also continues to get hamburger but not every day (just a matter of being able to get to the store often enough). For a crunchy treat, he gets a chunk of celery which he seems to enjoy. He’s still on doxy and will be for a few weeks yet, but my dog is gaining weight again, he’s happy, interested in life, running, pulling and playing again. If you didn’t know better, you’d think he was a fine and healthy, happy dog (although he’s getting a little spoiled!) We broke away from the recommended diet and supplements but according to our vet, whatever we’re doing is working. In a few weeks, we’ll go back for more blood work to see if he’s continued to improve and his nutrition needs are being met with our fly-by-the-seat-of-our-pants make-shift diet. I’m not a nutritionist, I’m not a vet, I’m not following the rules except for trying to keep sodium and phosphorus as low as possible while avoiding low quality protein in preference for high quality protein. But it’s been 1 month and 9 days since he got noticeably sick. It’s been 1 month and 4 days since 2 days of dialysis showed no improvement and the decision was made to put him down yet with the new diet I’ve created for him (which is a work in progress), he’s getting closer and closer to normal blood levels, stronger and happier by the day, he loves to eat, he’s pooping and peeing fine, and there’s now a chance that he might fully recover. It seems miraculous considering those first few weeks and I’m afraid to be overly optimistic. The vet asked me to keep track of his diet and let him know what I’m feeding him because the results have been so amazing. Maybe it will help you, maybe not but you might want to give it a try. Good luck!

        • Tara MacDonald
          Tara MacDonald says:

          Sorry, I said I reserve the yolks. That was a mistake! I use the yolks and keep the whites to add to Jack’s meals. He doesn’t get yolks (too high in phosphorus). He only gets egg whites.

          • Kimberly
            Kimberly says:

            I have your same story. My lil Bentley is hangin on. Hes eating the tripe just a lil though. Do you chop your recipe? Serv it warm? Im desperately trying. He’s on doxy, beazepril, carafate, famotidine, epitikin,,and zofran. He has ulcers in his stomach they say. And his breath is so ammonia like from the urea from his kidneys.

          • Courtney
            Courtney says:

            Tara, my dog was just diagnosed with Lyme Nephritis yesterday, he is a 6 year old lab. I have scoured the internet trying to find any successful stories or treatments for this and am coming up extremely short. I hope this reaches you and you could tell me if you found success in your treatments with your dog, if your pup is still around, or how long your food/eds/treatments/supplements may have extended his quality of life. Our vet gave us the grim reality of two months at most but I am not ready to throw in the towel, I will try my everything to keep him going, just looking for the right treatment. Thank you!

          • bailey lotsberg
            bailey lotsberg says:

            Hi, my 7 year old girl Cici just got diagnosed with nephritis today! I left her at the animal hospital to get the injections and fluids the vet told me theres a 50/50 chance. Does anyone have positive outcomes? Im hoping for the best! Ive had her for forever

          • Nancy Foisy
            Nancy Foisy says:

            Wondering if we could connect. My miniature schnauzer just confirmed Lyme positive and could use food advice if you’re willing and able.

            I hope all is still well with your pup. I’m impressed with your efforts. Our little schnauzers are so special!


          • Rachel
            Rachel says:

            My 8yo Tibetan Spaniel mix Rosie was diagnosed with Lyme Nephritis last September. For two weeks, I literally force-fed her with blended chicken breast and rice and her medication mashed in with syringe since she had absolutely no appetite. But she responded exceptionally well to her medications and after two weeks, she started eating on her own. And with increased dose of telmisartan, by December, her numbers are almost normal! Now I feed her mixture of homemade and canned kidney food three times a day with omega 3, and other supplements and she has more appetite than ever. Her energy level is normal and is very happy active dog.

        • Shawn
          Shawn says:

          Hi Tara I just wanted to let you know that I read your post last night. My grandsons boxer has been diagnosed with Lyme disease and has a significant amounts of weight and his numbers are off the charts. The vet suggested we euthanize him but I was willing to try other things before that decision was made because my grandson is having such a hard time having him
          Euthanized. I came across your post yesterday and I am starting Gizmo
          On the diet that you tried for
          your dog.
          I know that he is in pretty bad shape right now but he is still walking around and drinking some. He is still peeing
          And having regular bowel movements outside. I am hopeful that maybe this will help him even for just a few days. My grandson knows that he could pass it anytime but he wants grandma to help take care of him because we are home a lot and we care for several special needs
          Thank you for your post he gives me Some things I can try to help this sweet dog. I love my grandson and I would do anything to help keep his dog as healthy as possible even with with the circumstances The vet did not give him anything for the lime disease he has which frustrates me so I am going to call him tomorrow and ask for medicine for it. I guess the vet just gave up thanking that the dog was going to die anyway so why treat him for the Lyme disease. Doesn’t make sense to me.

        • Could you give me any info on the diet you used I am having issues with my dog and he is still loosing weight even though he is eating. Willing to try anything at this point
          Could you give me any info on the diet you used I am having issues with my dog and he is still loosing weight even though he is eating. Willing to try anything at this point says:


  2. Aderyn
    Aderyn says:

    My dog has tested positive for Lyme and has had a limp for a few weeks. But what I’m worried about is that it will harm her kidneys as well as her leg. Is it a different type of Lyme that affects the kidneys, or can her kidneys still be affected?

  3. Dawn
    Dawn says:

    We just lost our 7 yo hound mix last night. We had to make the horrible decision to put her down as a result of what is believed Lyme nephritis. Tons of diagnostic tests and small fortune later we were told it doesn’t look good for her. I am heartbroken.

  4. Michelle
    Michelle says:

    My labradoodle (f1) was recently diagnosed with lyme disease. I noticed because my 2 year old pup was not as rambunctious as normal, along with him not wanting to jump when we would play in my back yard. My husband thought I was overreacting. Dexter (my labradoodle) has been on amoxicillin for almost a month now.. He’s still skipping meals, tired, depressed, just not himself. Not any normal labradoodle, lab or poodle should be this way at only 2 years, right?!?
    We picked this handsome boy up for our now 4 year old daughter and they are the best of friends. I’m just wondering if I should prepare my daughter (probably more myself) for the worst? I’m really trying to be optimistic but reading this brought tears to my eyes. It’s a lot to take in and not worry about it.
    When I took him to my vet; he thought there was no way in hell he had it. Then the nurse came up to my vet (which I’m sure I wasn’t supposed to hear) and said, “he has it…it’s bad.” I wanted to ball my eyes out, but I just looked at him and gave him the biggest hug I could (he weighs more than half my body weight). The worst news, all I could think of was breaking my daughters heart telling her he’s not going to be here much longer. Sorry for my dramatic thoughts, but it is a bit of a worrisome, or so I think it is?
    Anyways, about 3 days after Dexter was on the antibiotics I took the vet a urine sample, knowing the protein would be high. Later that day, they called me and said his kidneys aren’t doing well.
    Dexter has still been acting pretty much the same way since before the antibiotics, a tiny bit more energy, but not like any normal doodle should be at his age. Sorry for the long post, I’m just wonder if there is a happy ending or story somewhere? It seems like I’m not finding any 😣😥😢

      • Tiffany
        Tiffany says:

        Hi Tara- I am going through a similar situation with my Labrador now and just starting to prepare his food. I was wondering if you have a meal plan? or any advise? I would love to chat with you. Email if you’d like. Thank you kindly.

  5. Sher
    Sher says:

    My seven year old Giant Shnauzer was bitten by a tick in October and again in November (2020). We monitored him previously for symptoms as he was always a-symptomatic when he was bitten previously. Over the course of a day he went from happy, regular energy, to zero energy, extremely stiff, uncomfortable, and yelping in pain when getting up, with muscle spasms in his shoulders, especially the shoulder where he was bitten. Tested positive for Lyme with a very high lyme antibody count. His urine analysis shows some proteins from kidneys, but not high. He is on Doxycycline for 4 weeks. He is also on Gabapentin for the shoulder nerve pain. I am an herbalist, so we have added herbal tinctures, powders as well: 7 precious mushrooms tincture including Cordyceps, and also Nettle seed and Echinacea tincture between meals, all administered with an eye dropper between his gums and lips. Astragalus root powder mixed in with his meals or in with bone broths we make for him and for us. He is on a cooked diet of turkey, beef liver + pumpkin puree, cooked spinach or stinging nettle (when in season, from our garden), sauerkraut (the cheap, polish bottled kind), kelp powder, lots of herring fish oil (better than salmon in my opinion). Sometimes he gets raw chicken wings or chicken feet or turkey necks as he has been raw fed all his life and he loves these as a treat… they provide a lot of joint support! Also added collagen powder (I use Land Art Collag-N liquid and mix this in his meals), and half a pill of Natural Factors Osteomove. He is improving every day. All I can say is, kibble is not the best way to feed a dog with Lyme. Switch permanently to home cooked meals or raw, it’s worth it. Look up BARF diets online for more info. Herbs like Nettle seed, astragalus, cordyceps all support the kidneys. Also give a good quality probiotic between meals to support his microbiome, while he is on antibiotics. If our dog is really stiff, we try adding 3-5 pills of arnica homeopathics, between his lip and gums between meals. Anyway, this is what is working so far for me, based on my own research. After a little more than two weeks on this protocol, my dog is trotting with his head and tail up, looking for squirrels, no yelping, good energy, and his coat is super shiny from all the fish oil. We hope to add a acupuncture and sessions in the pool in a few weeks, once he’s 90% back to normal. It’s work, but he is so worth it! Keep positive. Hope this is helpful!

    • Heather Marg-Bracken
      Heather Marg-Bracken says:

      Thank you! My mini poodle was just diagnosed with Lyme nephritis–never saw pain, just lethargy, incontinence and low appetite in the morning.

  6. Taylor
    Taylor says:

    Our 5yr old Collie/Lab mix fell sick over a week ago. He was on IV fluids for 3 days for the kidneys due to elevated creatinine & BUN, and low protien in his urine. He still is elevated for BUN and was just diagnosed with Lymes disease. He still has a low-medium appetite, and we just started antibiotics. I feel so helpless, and quite scared that the kidney damage is irreversable. I want to help him however I can. He won’t eat the Rx Kidney food, and I’m afraid that if his appetite stays this low, we will have to fight with him to get his medicine down, and that is not how I want him to spend his last days, if they are numbered. This is just shocking and so sad.

  7. Otis
    Otis says:

    Our 41/2 year old hound tested positive for Lyme before he was 2 and the vet didn’t give him antibiotics and said they would wait until he showed symptoms well when he started showing symptoms it was too late, he wouldn’t eat throwing up and lethargic. They tested his kidney function and it was at 35 % they gave him a course of antibiotics and he started feeling better but would only eat hamburger and steak chips then he started taking the Antibiotics for Lyme and started throwing up bile unfortunately after 3 agonizing months we had to lay him to rest. I am a little angry at the vet for not giving him antibiotics when he tested positive and for not monitoring his kidney function because waiting to see symptoms I feel like it caused him to loose his life. I would suggest to anyone whose animal tested positive for Lyme to insist on the vet checking their kidney function and putting them on antibiotics immediately.

  8. Deborah Tuite
    Deborah Tuite says:

    Tara MacDonald. I hope this message reaches you. Our 3 yr old rescue dog was diagnosed with LN. We are devastated. Are just spent the past three days at the ER with extensive IV/medication therapy. They decided to send her home to see if we can coax her to eat and take her oral medication. Any advice would be so helpful. She’s so lethargic and uninterested in food. Any tips as I feel the ER prob feels it’s time to put her down but I would try anything to see improvement.

  9. Jan Pandolf
    Jan Pandolf says:

    My heart goes out to all of you. I have a mini schnauzer, 7 yrs old, and she suddenly became ill with the lyme disease. She could not stand , her rear end, and she had a limp. She was in pain and not eating at all. I nursed her for one week and then took er to the Vet for diagnosis, Lyme and anaplasmosis, both from the deer tick. She was put on doxycycline, and gave her gabapentin for pain. She did not eat for 2 weeks, so the vet put her on prednisone. It made her appetite zoom! When she would not eat I would give her a hoodsie cup, vanilla, and feed it to her off of a spoon. She would not eat her ice cream!! Gradually with the prednisone she began to rally and now she is back to normal, almost. I want to get her off the prednisone, she pants too much. Thought i would lose her, so don’t give up hope!

  10. Sara
    Sara says:

    Hello. I think my 11 month old Jack has this kidney issue from Lyme. He had a tick this summer and developed a limp just a few days later and I took him to the vet, the Lyme test was negative but they said it sometimes can take a while to show positive. We gave him one month of antibiotics and he was better. Now it’s February and he started limping again so I got pet insurance. The waiting period is 2 weeks so I’ve been waiting to take him to the vet and just giving him more antibiotics and aspirin that I have at home. We have 2 days left until the pet insurance kicks in, and he started having incontinance last night. I’m not sure if this is a symptom of kidney issues or just because he’s in pain and doesn’t want to get up. He has been fully potty trained for a long time and never has accidents in the house. I’m not sure if waiting another 2 days to take him to the vet will make a difference or not.

  11. Marlene
    Marlene says:

    My little mini schnauzer just tested positive for Lyme Disease. This was caught after he turned up positive on a routine heart worm/lyme disease test. So, a urine test was ordered to confirm. The urine revealed a 2.4 protein level, which is high. He is on day 3 of a month long course of the antibiotic. No other symptoms have shown up yet. Has anyone had this happen, and their pup made a full recovery? Our little guy just turned 2, and has a healthy appetite, energy level, and doing all the normal things he was doing before being diagnosed.

    Thanks for any information.

  12. Kristofer Van Wagner
    Kristofer Van Wagner says:

    My sister-in-law suspects that her dog may be suffering from Lyme disease as it is exhibiting all the common symptoms. I am in complete agreement that once our dog is properly diagnosed, it is in its best interest to ensure we adhere to the proper treatment and care. I will definitely share this post with my sister-in-law so that she will be better informed of the condition.

  13. Mary Jane
    Mary Jane says:

    When a friend of mine told me of how Dr. Azu helped him get rid of his HSV-1 disease, I refused to believe it because of the fact that I have lost so much to people pretending to be what they ain’t. I decided to make a deal with my friend that if I am to lose money to this doctor he will be the one that has to pay me back if I am to lose money to this doctor and he agreed. I went ahead to purchase the cure and today I am standing here to tell the world that I am cured and free of this terrible infection (HERPES) all thanks to my friend and Dr. Azu. I totally appreciate all of your efforts. Thanks. You can reach this doctor through his or what’s App On +2347087313747

  14. Jenner Will
    Jenner Will says:

    I still can’t believe that I got cured from Genital Herpes through herbal treatment from Dr. Azu. Who I met through the internet, I actually couldn’t believe it at first because it sounded impossible to me knowing how far I have gone just to get rid of it. Dr. Azu sent me his medicine which I took as instructed and here I am living a happy life once again, a big thanks to Dr. Azu, I am sure there are many herbal doctors out there but Dr. Azu did it for me, contact him Via email: , also call or what’s App him on +2347087313747. Thank you once again Dr. Azu.

  15. Jenner Will
    Jenner Will says:

    I still can’t believe that I got cured from Genital Herpes through herbal treatment from Dr. Azu. Who I met through the internet, I actually couldn’t believe it at first because it sounded impossible to me knowing how far I have gone just to get rid of it. Dr. Azu sent me his medicine which I took as instructed and here I am living a happy life once again, a big thanks to Dr. Azu, I am sure there are many herbal doctors out there but Dr. Azu did it for me, contact him Via email: , also call or what’s App him on +2347087313747. ..

  16. elizerbth
    elizerbth says:

    Hi all my viewers i was diagnosed with Lymes disease in 2020, after years of body pains and knees swelling,, the doctor told me there is no permanent cure for the disease, i was given medication to slow down the progress of the disease, at the initial stage it was not so bad till it progressed to the end middle stage were i had difficulties going about my daily functions as i constantly felt weakness in my legs, ankles and feet, i was totally devastated till my husband’s co-worker Mrs Vicky told us about a herbal doctor from west Africa who have herbal medicines for all kind of diseases including Lyme Disease, when i contact this herbal doctor via his Email, he sent me two orange color bottles of Lyme Disease herbal medicine which has good teats through courier service, when i received this herbal medicine, he gave me step by instructions on how to apply it, when i applied it as instructed, i was cured of the disease within 22-24 days of usage. Doctor i welcome to United State and i’m pleased to meet you in person my entire family appreciate your good works. whats-ape +2347051758952 if you have any challenges with all this also Dem dr clement he can also help you as FOLLOWING. 1. HIV/AIDS 2. Hpv 3 EX back 4. penis enlargement 5. HEPATITIS B 6. DIABETES 7. HPV 8 cancer 9 lotto spell 10 getting pregnancy 11 Lyme disease 12 pad disease 13 win of mega million How do you get genital herpes

  17. lilian
    lilian says:

    Hi all my viewers i was diagnosed with Lymes disease in 2020, after years of body pains and knees swelling,, the doctor told me there is no permanent cure for the disease, i was given medication to slow down the progress of the disease, at the initial stage it was not so bad till it progressed to the end middle stage were i had difficulties going about my daily functions as i constantly felt weakness in my legs, ankles and feet, i was totally devastated till my husband’s co-worker Mrs Vicky told us about a herbal doctor from west Africa who have herbal medicines for all kind of diseases including Lyme Disease, when i contact this herbal doctor via his Email, he sent me two orange color bottles of Lyme Disease herbal medicine which has good teats through courier service, when i received this herbal medicine, he gave me step by instructions on how to apply it, when i applied it as instructed, i was cured of the disease within 22-24 days of usage. Doctor i welcome to United State and i’m pleased to meet you in person my entire family appreciate your good works. whats-ape +2347051758952 if you have any challenges with all this also Dem dr clement he can also help you as FOLLOWING. 1. HIV/AIDS 2. Hpv 3 EX back 4. penis enlargement 5. HEPATITIS B 6. DIABETES 7. HPV 8 cancer 9 lotto spell 10 getting pregnancy 11 Lyme disease 12 pad disease 13 win of mega million How do you get genital herpes

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